Newcastle Central Vein and Cosmetic Medical Centre

What is Chlamydophila Pneumoniae (CPn)?

Chlamydophila Pneumoniae (CPn) is a species of the Chlamydia bacteria that infects humans by causing acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia, sinusitis and bronchitis. 

CPn can be carried to and live amongst many parts of the body, including the brain and vascular system, and is characterised by chronic inflammation that is induced by re-infection or otherwise persistent infection.  The persistent infection of CPn is due to its complex life cycle as it transforms between two particles within the human body’s host cells; these particles are called Elementary Bodies (EB) and Reticulate Bodies (RB).

CPn begins as an Elementary Body, which is an infectious particle that has the ability to spread the bacteria from one individual to another but cannot replicate.  Once infected with CPn, the Elementary Body attaches itself to the body’s cells and invades them, once this process is completed, the Elementary Body will then transform into a Reticulate Body in order for it to take on a form where it can replicate. 

A Reticulate Body is a non-infectious particle that takes on an intracellular form and involves the replication and growth of the bacteria. In order to replicate, the bacteria manipulates the host cell to make energy available to it, so that it can continue its process of persistent infection.  Once the replication process is completed, the Reticulate Body will then transform back into an Elementary Body in order to be released once the infected cell ruptures, thus continuing the life cycle.

Source: [Dr Charles Stratton]


When the CPn bacteria feels threatened in any way, it then takes on a third form, this being a Cryptic Body (CB).  This stage is most difficult to treat due to it being chronic and potentially laying dormant for decades. This is the hibernation phase of CPn, the stage that is resistant to most anti-bacterial agents.  Bacteria in this stage are able to transform into Elementary Bodies and Reticulate Bodies, dependent on their requirements at the time.

Due to the chronic form of CPn infection, CPn has been found to be implicated in a wide range of diseases including but not limited to Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma and Lupus.